
Bensylyt Nen

Bensylyt Nen - General Information

An alpha-adrenergic antagonist with long duration of action. It has been used to treat hypertension and as a peripheral vasodilator.


Pharmacology of Bensylyt Nen

Bensylyt Nen is indicated for the control of episodes of hypertension and sweating that occur with a disease called pheochromocytoma. If tachycardia is excessive, it may be necessary to use a beta-blocking agent concomitantly. Bensylyt Nen is a long-acting, adrenergic, alpha-receptor blocking agent which can produce and maintain "chemical sympathectomy" by oral administration. It increases blood flow to the skin, mucosa and abdominal viscera, and lowers both supine and erect blood pressures. It has no effect on the parasympathetic system. Bensylyt Nen works by blocking alpha receptors in certain parts of the body. Alpha receptors are present in the muscle that lines the walls of blood vessels. When the receptors are blocked by Bensylyt Nen, the muscle relaxes and the blood vessels widen. This widening of the blood vessels results in a lowering of blood pressure.


Bensylyt Nen for patients


Bensylyt Nen Interactions

Dibenzyline (phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride) may interact with compounds that stimulate both alpha- and beta- adrenergic receptors (i.e., epinephrine) to produce an exaggerated hypotensive response and tachycardia.

Dibenzyline blocks hyperthermia production by levarterenol, and blocks hypothermia production by reserpine.


Bensylyt Nen Contraindications

Conditions where a fall in blood pressure may be undesirable.


Additional information about Bensylyt Nen

Bensylyt Nen Indication: For the treatment of phaeochromocytoma (malignant), benign prostatic hypertrophy and malignant essential hypertension.
Mechanism Of Action: Bensylyt Nen produces its therapeutic actions by blocking alpha receptors, leading to a muscle relaxation and a widening of the blood vessels. This widening of the blood vessels results in a lowering of blood pressure.
Drug Interactions: Not Available
Food Interactions: Not Available
Generic Name: Phenoxybenzamine
Synonyms: Fenossibenzamina [Dcit]; Fenoxibenzamina [Inn-Spanish]; Phenoxybenzamine Hcl; Phenoxybenzamine Hydrochloride; Phenoxybenzaminum [Inn-Latin]; POB HCl
Drug Category: Vasodilator Agents; Antihypertensive Agents
Drug Type: Small Molecule; Approved

Other Brand Names containing Phenoxybenzamine: Bensylyt; Bensylyt Nen; Bensylyte; Benzylyt; Dibenylin; Dibenyline; Dibenzyran; Dibenzyline; Dibenzylene; Dibenzyline Hydrochloride;
Absorption: Twenty to 30 percent of orally administered phenoxybenzamine appears to be absorbed in the active form.
Toxicity (Overdose): Symptoms of overdose are largely the result of block of the sympathetic nervous system and of the circulating epinephrine. They may include postural hypotension resulting in dizziness or fainting, tachycardia, particularly postural, vomiting; lethargy, and shock.
Protein Binding: Not Available
Biotransformation: Not Available
Half Life: 24 hours
Dosage Forms of Bensylyt Nen: Capsule Oral
Chemical IUPAC Name: N-(2-chloroethyl)-1-(phenoxy)-N-(phenylmethyl)propan-2-amine
Chemical Formula: C18H22ClNO
Phenoxybenzamine on Wikipedia:
Organisms Affected: Humans and other mammals